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Trusted at companies large and small

As a Real Estate Agent you want a­ flow of HIGH QUALITY LEADS

  • What if you had an expert marketer on your team that you could have drum up 100 qualified leads for you at the drop of a hat?
  • What if you could get that without paying her expensive monthly salary or having to hire a high-priced advertising agency?
  • ​Do you think that could finally give you the edge that you need to take your business to the next level?


Getting leads is the most important ingredient to your success. No leads, no money! It’s also the hardest part of doing business.
What if you could take all the pain out of the process and get people calling YOU ready to buy a home? Don't Waste Your Time...


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Finally, stop paying expensive monthly retainers and setup fees to advertising agencies that provide little to zero results. Instead, you get a completely done for you sales automation system that includes everything you need to grow your business.
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Get Unlimited Ad Setups, 365 days of lead nurture followups and easy to understand dashboard with reporting to track your deals from lead to close.
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This is a complete system designed to get your more clients! What could be better? I’m sold, how do I sign up?
Sign up
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Our dedicated advertising experts have implemented proven social ad strategies for thousands of clients that will deliver your perfect prospect. Getting your ads live is easy. Fill out the form and select the type of leads you want. We do the rest!


You have much better things to do than calling "tire-kickers" who filled out an online lead form to request more information. We automatically followup on all your leads in real-time. Then we introduce new prospects to you without you having to make.


When you have a Heroic Sales Funnel that delivers you results like clockwork, the only decision you need to make is how big your want to grow! With our easy to understand dashboard you will be able to track your deals from lead to close and keep those dollars rolling in!


Agency Hero Is Your Advertising Hero...

Unlimited Ad Setups: You need more leads but first you need a proven strategy that can get you more traffic. Our business is to create your high converting Facebook Ads™ complete with sales copy and images that help you sell more.

You get unlimited ad setups every month for one low flat rate!

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Agency Hero Is Your Marketing Hero

Gamified Lead Forms And Pages: Your business deserves only the highest converting Lead Pages that get results.
We will build these pages and forms so you can get more leads and close more deals every month!

Why Gamified Lead Forms

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1. Quick and Easy Long Form Leads

Within minutes your prospect can answer a few questions or a detailed application by simply clicking, dragging and minimal typing!

2. Beautifully High Converting

Our designs are more than good looking but they are built with one function in mind first and that is getting you more clients!

More Leads

3. Direct Connect and Get Even More Leads

The name of the game is to make it easy for your prospect to get what they want. Our system directly connects to the social media advertising platforms and allows your client to share their profile details with you with a 1-click design that is virtually impossible to resist.

Agency Hero Is Your Sales Hero

365 Day Lead Automation Funnels: To close more deals your followup game must be strong but nobody has time to sit around and wait new leads!

Why Agency Hero Lead Automation

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  • You’ve Only Got 5 Minutes

    Studies have proven time and time again that if you want the highest probability of making contact with a new lead you must make your initial attempt within 5 minutes or your opportunity will drop drastically. We will call your phone and connect you to your prospect within seconds of their inquiry so you can stay focused on your business.

  • Don't Stop Till You Get The Deal

    Most sales agents quit on their leads way too soon. In fact, most often after less than 2 phone call attempts have been made. Our followup strategy deliver contact rates of up to 80-90%. We reach out to your leads on your behalf, for an entire year. That's 365 days of outreach, or until you get a response.

  • Never Miss a Referral Opportunity Again

    To grow your pipeline even faster you must attract referrals too. However, many of us get too busy or wrapped up in the sales process and forget to ask. We will automatically reach out to your leads on birthdays, anniversary's or any other day you want to easily collect more referrals and get more sales.